Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christamas Eve Meditation: 2007

Christmas Eve Meditation: 2007 Ken Shigematsu

Ron Rolheiser tells the story of a four-year-old girl who awoke one night frightened, convinced that in the darkness around her were all kinds of ghosts and monsters. She ran to her parents’ bedroom. Her mother calmed her down, and taking her by the hand led her back to her own room where she put on a light and assured the child with these words: “You don’t need to be afraid, honey. God is in the room with you.” The child replied, “Yeah, I know God is here, but right now… I need someone in this room with some skin!”

What that girl said gives us the reason for Christmas…

The Gospel writer John in the first chapter of his Gospel tells us that God—became flesh, became a human being and moved in the neighborhood…

In John’s first epistle: we read how John and his friends heard God when they heard Jesus, saw God when they saw Jesus, even touched God when they touched Jesus…

John says the invisible God appeared right before their eyes!

“God took on flesh… human flesh… became a human being--because like this little girl, we all need a God with some skin…

Can imagine feeling breath of Jesus—the breath of the one who breathed the universe into existence!

But that was 2000 years ago when John and his friends, heard, saw, and touched Jesus--but where does that leave us?

I live in 2007, when can I touch the hand of God?

When will you see the Messiah?

As a 10 years old—even though I was underage—I talked my way into getting a paper route with the Vancouver Sun… I was told by the paper shack manager I was too young… I responded by saying, Sir, I’ve wanted to be a paper boy ever since I was five years old… how many of your other carriers can claim, they’ve been wanting to do their job for half of their life? I may be small, but come rain, snow, sleet or hail… I shall deliver…

At least that’s what I remember… probably what I really said… come on… please give me the job!

I don’t remember how many papers I had on my route, I do remember in the front of my BMX, I had an ET style paper rack bolted to front my handle bards, filled with so many papers my bike ended up steered itself. Sometimes, I also had two paper bags one slung over each shoulder—like a Mexican gun fighter with really big guns and sometimes I wore one Sherpa style on my back with a strap over my forehead.

I know we don’t get many white Christmases here, but one year here in the Lower Mainland there a big snow fall… too much snow for me to ride my bike… even too much snow for someone to drive a car… I remember looking out the window and dreading the fact that I would have to walk my entire route dragging my load behind me…

My mom tried to cheer me up by saying…

“I can see how anxious you are, don’t worry…”

In the garage, there’s a sled… and I’ll help you pull…”

At the age of 10 I didn’t know who God was, but looking there in snow, I had chance to see “God with some skin… wearing with mittens.”

Has something like this ever happened to you? Have you ever experienced “God with skin”?

God’s love shown to you through a human face…

Christmas means we can see God in others…

It also means that God can be seen in us--if receive Christ into our lives.

Jacqueline Croswhite used attend Tenth Avenue Church before she and her husband Chris moved to Utah.

Years ago when we were in the old hall, Jacqueline shared a story… about a man who was delivering some gifts to a poor family in need. The person… knocked on the door and a mother answered and there were three young children who came to the door with her.

The person… said to the mom I hope this is not embarrassing, but I’ve brought you some groceries, some winter clothes and coats, and some toys for the kids. While he was giving the mother and the kids their gifts… One of the young girls was staring at him intently… After he had given them all their gifts… The young girl spoke up and asked, “Mr. are you God.?”

He said, no… I’m not God--I’m just a friend of God…

He was right. But in a sense, he was God (to her)… “God with skin.”

No matter how or old or how young we are, no matter what we have done or have not done, if we become friends with God, friends with Jesus Christ “God with skin”--we can be “God with skin” to others…

We can be part of the body of Christ in the world…

You have the heart of God, will you have compassion?

Look at your feet… these are the feet of God where you will you go?

Look at your hands… these are hands of God… what will you do?

(The message can be heard on line at:


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